Social Media…Good or Bad?


My past experience with social media was a rocky one…an emotional rollercoaster. I’d find and share a great post or two I felt passionate about, but then fell down the rabbit hole, spending two or three hours sifting through videos and images that in retrospect looked like a waste of time. Then I realized: “That’s a few hours of my life I’ll never get back”.

Does that sound familiar?

But then I had a revelation. Or to put it another way, someone pointed out how to have a different perspective. Lorri Klassen, my social media guru extraordinaire, said the key to social media is hiding in plain sight.

It’s the word “Social”. It’s all about engaging conversation and discussion. It’s about coming together as a community and have a lively exchange of ideas about what’s on your mind.

In these times of isolation, it’s vitally important that we as human beings connect with one another to discuss our thoughts, hopes, and fears. We are by nature social beings. We need that connection. It’s right up there in importance with food, water, and shelter.

Thank goodness we have social media to stay connected.

Now, I see social media in a more balanced way. Simply as a tool, with no inherent goodness or badness.

Kind of like a hammer. You can use a hammer to build a house for someone or use it as a weapon to hurt them. Does that make it bad or good? I think neither.

So how do you use social media in a more effective way? Like and follow people, groups and topics that interest you. That tells things like Facebook to send more stuff that you like. They’re not mind readers. That’ll come in an update (just kidding!) ;)

Please tell me what you think of this.

Does it resonate with you?

What are your thoughts?

Kind Regards,

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